San Pedro High School Shines In CSEC Exams

Every high school in the country tries to excel in various areas like academics, sports, Math Olympiad, Science Competition, among others. However, the biggest test of high accomplishment for any school must be in their success in the external examinations given to the graduating class – CXC now called CSEC (Caribbean Secondary Examination Council). This final exam given to the seniors just at graduation time is a rigorous course of study in as many as 13 subjects.

How do these examinations help students?  Success in these examinations helps them to determine the course of studies they wish to pursue at Junior College level. Additionally, success in certain examinations will allow them to pursue these courses at advanced level in junior college. Furthermore, success in more than six subjects in CSEC enables a student to obtain a scholarship at junior college or sixth form.  

This is how San Pedro High graduates of the Class of 2012 performed in CSEC 2012.

Certificate of Achievement
Six of more passes in General or Technical Subjects grades I-III, or Basic Subjects grade I, including English A and Math.
Georginia Elizabeth Cadle, Ethnie Samuel Figueroa, Jerilee Garcia,  Fatima Solani Graniel, Arri Yonci Guardado,  Jamel Ashton Jones,  Rachelle Elise Lisbey,  Kelin Scarleth Mencia,  Chris Nunez,  Korin Indira Silva,  Demor Jason Valladarez

Certificate of Excellence
Six of more passes in General or Technical subjects grades I-II, including English A and Mathematics.
Sucely Teresa Blanco, Marghie Mariana Garcia, Emilie Adelina Gomez, Giovanni Ismael Kay
Laji Jaon Nunez, Raymundo Nunez, Nirsa Leilani Sanchez, Kelsie Camille Santos

Individual Subject Award — Highest grade in subject IN COUNTRY OF BELIZE
Kelsie Camille Santos – Electronic Document Preparation and Management
Giovanni Ismael Kay – Mathematics
Giovanni Ismael Kay set a new record high for San Pedro High by passing 10 subjects out of 10 attempted with eight ‘grade 1’ and two ‘grade 2’. (Note: grade 1 is the highest grade achievable in any subject)

The following are the top achievers for this year:
10 passes – Giovanni Ismael Kay, Nirsa Sanchez
9 passes – Sucely Blanco, Emilie Gomez, Raymundo Nuñez, Jerilee Garcia, Rachelle Lisbey, Laji Nuñez
8 passes – Marghie Garcia, Solani Graniel, Korin Silva
7 passes – Arri Guardado, Kelsie Santos, Demor Valladarez, Chris Nuñez
6 passes – Georgina Cadle, Samuel Figueroa, Jamel Jones, Kelin Mencia
On behalf of the community of San Pedro, Ambergris Today salutes San Pedro High, staff and student body, for their success in all the sporting competitions, Food and Nutrition competition, and CSEC success. Congratulations and wishing them continued success.

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