San Pedro Town Council Donates Picnic Tables to Schools

New Horizon SDA School and The San Pedro RC School were the recipients of a kind donation of picnic tables for their school compounds which was made possible by the San Pedro Town Council and Elvi’s Kitchen.

On Wednesday, November 28, 2012, Mayor Daniel Guerrero and Councilor Gaby Nuñez personally handed over eight picnic tables to Principal Miguel Hernandez of New Horizon SDA School. Mr. Hernandez was quite happy for the donation as he mentioned that the school will soon have a palapa to accommodate the much need picnic tables for children to use during their break and lunch time.

Mr. Hernandez also shared the good news that the school received the support of a kind anonymous donor who will have two classrooms built; work should commence in the next two weeks. Mayor Danny Guerrero promised Mr. Hernandez to allocate an additional donor so as to help with the construction of two additional classrooms. The Town Council will donate one so as to have a total of five new classrooms.

San Pedro Town Council Donates Picnic Tables to Schools

Mayor Daniel Guerrero and Councilor Gabriel Nuñez then delivered five picnic tables to the San Pedro RC School. Principal Roxanni Kay was also grateful for the donation and stated that they were planning on investing on tables so that children can play games such as chess, checkers and bingo.

The donations were made possible thanks to Elvi’s Kitchen who recently underwent renovations and donated all their tables to the San Pedro Town Council that fixed them up and decided to give them to these schools. Kudos to Elvi’s Kitchen and the San Pedro Town Council for having the children of our community at heart!

San Pedro Town Council Donates Picnic Tables to SchoolsSan Pedro Town Council Donates Picnic Tables to SchoolsSan Pedro Town Council Donates Picnic Tables to SchoolsSan Pedro Town Council Donates Picnic Tables to SchoolsSan Pedro Town Council Donates Picnic Tables to SchoolsSan Pedro Town Council Donates Picnic Tables to SchoolsSan Pedro Town Council Donates Picnic Tables to SchoolsSan Pedro Town Council Donates Picnic Tables to Schools

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