San Pedro High School Enters Recycling Project in Visionary Challenge

On Monday, February 18, 2013, the San Pedro High School contacted Ambergris Today to showcase their Paper Recycling Project. The brains of the impressive project are academic students guided by their teacher Mr. Ricardo Sedacy. Together they plan on representing San Pedro High School on the Sagicor Visionary Challenge on March 20, 2013.

The Caribbean Science Foundation (CSF), SAGICOR, and the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) partnered to form the first Science competition known as the Sagicor Visionary Challenge. Each high school across the country of Belize was asked to carry out a survey in their community to find a problem that’s affecting their community. Each high school team had to find a solution to the problem.

San Pedro High School decided that the main problem in our community was the improper waste management of paper disposal. Their challenge was aimed at using science, technology, engineering and mathematics, to develop effective, innovative and sustainable solutions to the problem of paper disposal.

San Pedro High School proudly registered to compete and has ventured in recycling papers at school, since on a daily basis a huge amount of paper is collected as garbage.

They are recycling paper to make bristol board, construction paper for art and craft, frames, boxes etc. Students have properly experimented in finding out the appropriate amount of glue, water, paper and the temperature to make recycle paper. Presently they are able to make six bristol boards a day and their goal is to make 40 bristol boards so that the team may supply the demands at school and the community.

On Wednesday, February 20, 2013 the team was visited by Joniqua Howard, representative from Sagicor, who expressed how impressed she was with the San Pedro High School Paper Recycling Project. She also gave some nice pointers and advice to lead the team to success in the challenge.

The project team would like the business community to help them out with any funds in order to reach their goal. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. More information on the competition can be found at Please feel free to contact Mr. Sedacy at 604-3732 or at

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San Pedro High School Enters Recycling Project in Visionary ChallengeSan Pedro High School Enters Recycling Project in Visionary ChallengeSan Pedro High School Enters Recycling Project in Visionary ChallengeSan Pedro High School Enters Recycling Project in Visionary ChallengeSan Pedro High School Enters Recycling Project in Visionary ChallengeSan Pedro High School Enters Recycling Project in Visionary Challenge

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