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San Pedro AIDS Commission Hosts HIV/AIDS Talk at Local School

The topic of HIV/AIDS is something that not many like to talk about, but it is a serious topic which we should all be educated on. HIV is an epidemic that is affecting our country and the world; proper education is essential for young minds. For this reason teacher Lozano of the San Pedro Roman Catholic School invited the San Pedro AIDS Commission to address his Standard VI class on HIV/AIDS.

“Although we were invited to talk about this subject, we felt that the best person to address these children was Mr. Eric Castellanos of C-NET + (Collaborative Network of Persons Living with HIV). His presentation to the students falls under our educational program as the SP AIDS Commission was fully responsible for paying everything for Mr. Castellanos to make this trip and address the class,” stated Felix Ayuso, President of the San Pedro AIDS Commission.  

San Pedro AIDS Commission Hosts HIV/AIDS Talk at Local School

Mr. Eric Castellanos addressed the students by giving out basic information and statistics on HIV/AIDS. The students were lectured about how HIV affects a person, how to know when one is infected, how it is transmitted and much more information. A power point presentation and video also got the students more engaged and asking more questions about the diseas.

Being an HIV positive person, Mr. Castellanos shared with the students how he copes with the illness on a day to day basis and answered the many questions the students had. Both teacher and students were very grateful for the visit of the San Pedro AIDS Commission and Mr. Castellanos of C-NET +.

San Pedro AIDS Commission Hosts HIV/AIDS Talk at Local School

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