Successful Operation Snip by Saga Humane Society

The San Pedro Saga Humane Society held a very successful Operation SNIP (Spay/Neuter Initiative Program). To celebrate World Spay Day, Saga HS completed 60 free spay/neuters the week of World Spay Day, February 26, 2013.  World Spay Day is an annual campaign of Humane Society International and The Humane Society of the United States that shines a spotlight on spay/neuter—a proven way to save the lives of companion animals, feral cats, and street dogs who might otherwise be put down in a shelter or killed on the street. Operation SNIP is Saga HS ongoing plan to sterilize 75% of the islands’ animal population in the next 3-5 years.

This was a great partnership between local businesses and visiting animal welfare professionals from the USA. Dr. Don Tummons of Duck Hollow Animal Hospital in Uniontown, PA, Mary Maykuth, Heather Beck of K9 Lifeline in Draper, UT were superstars for coming to assist Saga HS with this event!

Saga would like to also thank Ken and Joanne Hibbard of Durango, CO for visiting local schools to talk about the importance of being a responsible pet owner and helping with their new education program for kids and to Matt Beatty for the donation of Hip to Snip stickers and Saga banners. They would also like to that the dedicated professionals for using their knowledge, money, vacation time and skill to help the animals and their owners on Ambergris Caye.

Successful Operation Snip by Saga Humane Society

Local business owners also see the importance of reducing the population of homeless animals. Prior to World Spay Day, Ramon Nunez of Ramon’s Village, through donations was able to raise $1400BZ and start the event’s fund raising efforts. The entire month of February Heather and Kevin Smith from Felize Bar & Grill held a weekly BINGO game to benefit Operation SNIP.  Through their efforts $1224BZ was raised. Saga HS was able to cover the costs of 60 spay/neuters for World Spay Day thanks to the hard work of these people and other volunteers.

Saga was very grateful to the folks at Bella Vista Susan, Victoria, Hugo, Manner, Yami, Matt and Suki the cat who helped make Dr. Don and Mary’s stay at Bella Vista memorable and also for their generous discount for the accommodations for these visiting Saga supporters.

Successful Operation Snip by Saga Humane Society

On Wednesday, February 27, 2013, Saga held its Cook Off- Desserts at Average Joe’s Belize. It was a great turnout of residents and visitors alike.  There were 14 entries in all from some of the islands best restaurants and home chefs.  Casa Pan Dulce won with their outstanding Apple Pie with Ice Cream. Saga HS was able to raise $1993BZ from ticket sales, raffles, donations, plus another $2000BZ generous matching gift by Ms. Beck.

Saga HS will continue to focus on Operation SNIP through fundraising and offering free/low cost spay/neuter to the residents of Ambergris Caye.  The goal is to have another Operation SNIP clinic in the month of May and two others in 2013.  Anyone willing to help with lodgings for volunteer Veterinarian staff, meals or trips for these dedicated caring professions, kindly contact the San Pedro Saga Humane Society at 226-3266 or

Successful Operation Snip by Saga Humane Society

It’s Hip to SNIP!

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