Belize Lions Zone 59 – Annual Convention

Press Release – This year, the Lions of Belize are celebrating 40 years of Service in Belize.  During these 40 years, Lion members throughout Belize have been involved not only in the traditional Lions Projects of  eye conservation, but also in Projects impacting Youth, Education, Health, Social Issues, Environment, etc.  And now Lions are planning to be more involved in Projects which will target the problems affecting Belize.

As part of the Anniversary celebrations, the Lions of Belize will converge in the Village of San Estevan, in the Orange Walk District, for the Lions Annual Convention.   There will also be a delegation from the Chetumal Lions Club. The Convention will be hosted by the San Estevan Lions Club from Friday 19th April, 2013 to Sunday 21st April, 2013, with the theme, “Lions-Serving and Embracing the Future Through the Winds of Change”.

The Convention activities include a Formal Opening Ceremony on Friday 19th April, with Mrs. Yolanda Gomez, General Manager at La Inmaculada Credit Union, as the Keynote Speaker.  As in previous years, all the Lions Clubs will have Hospitality Booths where visitors can enjoy a variety of tasty food and drinks and receive give-away items.

For this year’s Seminar, on Saturday morning, 20th April, members of the wider community of the Orange Walk District and the general public are being invited to attend and participate in the Seminar.  The theme for the Seminar is “Understanding/Nurturing Our Belizean Youth”.  There will be presentations by a Psychologist, a Counselor, A Youth Leader and a Youth.  This will be followed by an open discussion with the audience. It is expected that as a result of the Seminar, Recommendations will be drafted and forwarded to the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition and other relevant persons.  In the afternoon, the Lions will leave a permanent memento to the people of San Estevan Village by conducting a Community Project.

The Event in the evening will be one of fun and entertainment with cultural presentations by the different Lions Clubs and also by the Lions Clubs Queens.  There will also be the crowning of the new Queen of Belize Lions Zone 59.

On Sunday 20th April, Lions will attend a Church Service and this will be followed by the traditional Lions parade and floats through the principal streets in San Estevan Village. The Convention ends with an Award Ceremony.

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