Work Continues in San Pedro Clean Up Campaign

San Pedro just recently gained the status of being the #1 island in the world by Trip Advisor. Being the number one island is a big thing; it must mean we excel and surpass many in different aspects. Ambergris Today’s editor wrote about five top reasons why we were named Top Island but one important factor that comes to mind when we think of our Isla Bonita is cleanliness. They say that cleanliness is next to godliness and the #1 island must be kept clean but how clean is our island?

Ambergris Today set out to check out our island from north to south, east and west, beaches, town and other areas of our island to see how clean our island is and improvements that could take place. We started off in the Airstrip Area heading to the San Pedrito Area and to our surprise we caught up with workers from the San Pedro Town Council cleaning up the area.

The San Pedrito and Airstrip Areas were spic and span. Headed into town and there were several other workers cleaning and picking up garbage. The San Juan Area and Boca Del Rio Area all seemed to be clean; road sides and the beach were all tidy.

We then headed off south of the island; heading down Coconut Drive we could not help but notice that the street was rather clean. Heading into the residential areas of Escalante Subdivision, DFC, San Pablo and San Marcos Area; while some parts were clean we did notice that several areas needed cleaning, the street sides had garbage and a quick clean up in these areas would help us be a truly clean island.

The San Pedro Town Council has been carrying out clean up campaigns in different areas of the island which seem to be quite effective. The Town Foremen also have the task of foreseeing that these areas are clean. They must ensure that garbage is collected and that their workers are out cleaning our Isla Bonita. So far we can give two thumbs up to the northern part of the island from the town core to Boca del Rio Area for being the cleanest. Work is needed in the Southern town part and surrounding areas so that we can say we have #1 Cleanest Island in the world.

Let us all take pride in the area we live, attend Cleanup Campaigns from the San Pedro Town Council and make La Isla Bonita Clean!

Town and Northern Part of Island:

Work Continues in San Pedro Clean Up Campaign

Town Area – Caribeña Street being cleaned

Work Continues in San Pedro Clean Up Campaign

Airstrip Area Being Cleaned

Work Continues in San Pedro Clean Up CampaignWork Continues in San Pedro Clean Up CampaignWork Continues in San Pedro Clean Up CampaignWork Continues in San Pedro Clean Up CampaignWork Continues in San Pedro Clean Up CampaignWork Continues in San Pedro Clean Up CampaignWork Continues in San Pedro Clean Up CampaignWork Continues in San Pedro Clean Up CampaignWork Continues in San Pedro Clean Up Campaign

Southern Part of the Island and Surrounding Areas:

Work Continues in San Pedro Clean Up Campaign

DFC Area

Work Continues in San Pedro Clean Up Campaign

San Pablo Area

Work Continues in San Pedro Clean Up CampaignWork Continues in San Pedro Clean Up CampaignWork Continues in San Pedro Clean Up CampaignWork Continues in San Pedro Clean Up CampaignWork Continues in San Pedro Clean Up CampaignWork Continues in San Pedro Clean Up CampaignWork Continues in San Pedro Clean Up CampaignWork Continues in San Pedro Clean Up CampaignWork Continues in San Pedro Clean Up Campaign

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