Work Commences on San Pedro’s First Telenovela (Soap Opera)

It promises to be HOT and SPICY just like a Mexican telenovela and it will all be filmed in San Pedro Ambergris Caye. Production has already started on the island’s first soap opera (telenovela in Spanish) that will be called “La Isla Bonita”. Auditions for starring roles already took place this past weekend, Saturday, September 7, 2013.

From the creator of the movie “2012: Kurse A Di Xtabai” that was a huge success in Belize, comes the next installment of Make-Belize Films as Director/Producer Matthiew Klinck takes on the task of promoting the film industry in Belize with a telenovela/soap opera full of love, suspense, drama, humor and all what makes a telenovela so addictive to watch.

Work Commences on San Pedro’s First Telenovela (Soap Opera)“San Pedro, Ambergris Caye is the perfect setting for a telenovela (soap opera), a beautiful tropical island filled with intrigue, passion and secrets,” comments Klinck on the telenovela’s Facebook Page. He tells Ambergris Today that this new project is a continuation of Make-Belize Films providing training in the film industry and promoting the country as a potential hub of movie development in the region.

With the screenplay almost complete and character auditions already done, filming is scheduled to commence in October when Klinck and his crew plan to thereafter put together the first 10 episodes of the telenovela. All filming will be done on location at various sites and locations on the island with an all local crew and local actors.

“The telenovela will showcase the island,” commented Klinck. “It will not be about the island, but about possible storylines that take place on the island; about life on the island.”

Klinck has hired writer Dion Vansen who has created the main storyline of the telenovela which involves an abandoned bride and her quest to find love once again. Amongst the main story line are others that involve love stories, drug trafficking, humor and more drama; even a few storylines from Angel Nuñez’s radionovela will be adapted and incorporated into the Isla Bonita telenovela. Mr. Nuñez wrote a radionovela screenplay which the local radio station failed to produce, with only a couple episodes airing. A handful of his characters and stories will come to life in the telenovela.

The project also has the full support of San Pedro Mayor Daniel Guerrero and Tourism Minister Hon. Manuel Herredia Jr. who believe the project is great for publicity for the island and the entire country. Klinck states that the telenovela has potential of being exported abroad, much like with the success of his film Kurse A Di Xtabai; a great opportunity to sell San Pedro to the world.

“The success of the telenovela is in the hands of the community,” commented Klinck. “With the support of the community this project can be very huge. It is giving San Pedro the opportunity to join something big, market the island abroad and create much exposure.” Klinck is asking the support of the community for the telenovela in any way they can; any assistance is key to the success of the project.

Once the first ten episodes of La Isla Bonita Telenovela are complete, screening will take place at the Paradise Theater with scheduled viewings, thus extending the life of the project. If the community responds well to the project, Klinck says he sees the telenovela running for a long time with more episodes brining life to San Pedro, Belize.

On board with Matthiew Klinck is Horacio (Chito) Guerrero as Executive Producer and award-winning director Arlando Smith as Producer. You can follow the progress of the telenovela on their official Facebook Page (Click Here) or visit For more information or extending assistance to the telenovela you can contact both Matthiew and Horacio at the following emails.

Matthiew Klinck –
Horacio Chito Guerrero –

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