San Pedro Lions Club Announces Peace Poster Winners

For many years the San Pedro Lions Club has participated in the Lions International Peace Poster Contest which is held worldwide for children 11, 12 and 13 years old. The theme for 2013 was “Our World, Our Future”.  Elementary schools on Ambergris Caye that included Island Academy, Holy Cross, San Pedro Roman Catholic School and New Horizon submitted 38 entries total and the winners were chosen on Friday, November 22, 2013. The judging was done on originality, artistic merit and expression of theme.  

Third place was awarded to Carla Rivas, 13 years old, New Horizon School; she received $50 plus an Achievement Award. Second place was Kemre Rippon, 11 years old, Island Academy and she received $100 plus an Achievement Award.  

First place went to Zulema Ayala, 13 years old, Island Academy. When asked about her theme expression, she said, “From war and unhappiness we can go to peace and equality. It does not matter what race, gender or religion you are. Everyone is able to bring peace to the world through one child at a time.”  Along with winning $200 and an Achievement Award, Miss Ayala’s poster will be sent to the US for the finals judging in 2014.  The grand prize on the International Level is US$5,000 with 23 Merit Awards of US$500each. Good luck, Miss Ayala.  

The Lions Club of San Pedro would like to thank judge Ms. Melody Sanchez Wolfe, owner of Belizean Melody Art Gallery, who is now a seven year veteran artist holding five art shows. Melody grew up embracing arts of every form from cultural dancing, a member of SP Dance Company, a photographer and art teacher. Ms. Wolfe is quoted to say, “Music moves me and dancing is my passion; painting is dancing on canvas.” The second judge was Ms. Brie Harding, visiting San Pedro and assisting Melody in her Art Gallery and Gift Shop. Ms. Harding currently lives and works in New York City as a top model worldwide. In 2011 she developed a talent and passion for painting which you can view on her website

Each child received an ice cream certificate from sponsor Manelly’s Ice Cream Shop and a certificate of appreciation from San Pedro Lions Club.

San Pedro Lions Club Announces Peace Poster Winners

Third Place Winner Carla Rivas

Lions International Peace Poster CSan Pedro Lions Club Announces Peace Poster Winners -Third Place Winner Carla Rivasompetition 2013

Second Place Winner Kemre Rippon

San Pedro Lions Club Announces Peace Poster Winners

First Place Winner Zulema Ayala

San Pedro Lions Club Announces Peace Poster Winners

Judge Ms. Melody Sanchez Wolfe and Ms. Brie Harding

San Pedro Lions Club Announces Peace Poster Winners

San Pedro Lions Club Announces Peace Poster Winners

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