Huge Crowds Flood Ambergris Caye for Easter Weekend

An overwhelming influx of vacationers from mainland flooded the islands of Ambergris Caye and Caye Caulker over the weekend during the long Easter break. The two Belizean hotspots are a big draw for both local and international visitors during one of the biggest holidays in the country.

It’s one of the biggest holidays in the country where hundreds of locals from the mainland flock to the beaches to enjoy some down time during the extended 4-day weekend. San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, is one of the major hot spots in the country during Easter as it offers endless options of beach parties, water sports and beaches in which to relax on.

The island was booked to capacity once again this year and the island was teeming with activity throughout the entire weekend. The biggest bashes were held at The Holiday Hotel with Miami DJ Zog drawing in one of the biggest crowds every, Tackle Box Bar & Grill along with the Heineken party boat, Luna Loca with lots of give-aways & contests and Fido’s which hosted the ever popular Island Invasion.

Here is a look at the biggest bashes of the season in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye.

Huge Crowds Flood Ambergris Caye for Easter Weekend

DJ ZOG draws the masses at the Holiday Hotel

Huge Crowds Flood Ambergris Caye for Easter Weekend

Easter Bash at Luna Loca

Huge Crowds Flood Ambergris Caye for Easter Weekend

The Heineken Party Boat at Tackle Box Bar & Grill

Huge Crowds Flood Ambergris Caye for Easter Weekend

Island Invasion at Fido’s Bar

Huge Crowds Flood Ambergris Caye for Easter Weekend

Party crowd doing the bamboo shots at Palapa Bar and sunbathers relaxing in their floaties

Huge Crowds Flood Ambergris Caye for Easter Weekend

Huge Crowds Flood Ambergris Caye for Easter Weekend

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