Rowan Garel Keeps Working Hard for the Belize Council for the Visually Impaired

Climb Victoria Peak – Done
Walk Across Belize – Done
Dive the Blue Hole – Done

Everyone has been asking the question, “What will Rowan do this year to raise fund for children like him, children who are blind?”

The Belize Council for the Visually Impaired (BCVI) is proud to announce that Rowan Garel has officially been named Belize’s Youth Ambassador for the Commonwealth Games in Scotland this summer. In addition, Rowan will also be working as an assistant instructor at BCVI’s Summer Camp in July teaching other children in the Rehabilitation and Education Program.

Since 1981, BCVI has been working to not only prevent and reduce blindness, but also to provide blind children and adults with educational support and skills needed to live independent and fulfilling lives.

Every year, the BCVI faces the challenge of raising fund for their Rehabilitation Program, the area that provides training and equipment for people who are irreversibly blind or visually impaired. The BCVI’s annual summer camps are the highlight of the children and provide not only entertainment and field trips, but the crucial skills needed to meet their milestones and educational targets.

This year the BCVI has 40 children going to Belize City for a fully-sponsored two week event. From July 14 – 25, the students, ranging ages from 2 -18 will be hosted, along with their guardians, and given the opportunity to learn, socialize and share their experiences.

The BCVI is asking the public to be kind and contribute donations to this organization. Contributions will go a long way in providing, transportation form the most remote villages throughout the country into Belize City. Donations will also help feed, host, teach and entertain the group. As a non-profit organization, the BCVI is asking for your kind contribution to help continue the Summer Camp Alive!!

Local Contributions can be made to BCVI through direct deposit at Belize Bank 71096 or by sending a check to BCVI at PO Box 525. Internationally, The BCVI Foundation is now a registered 501(c) 3 Organization in the US and accepts donations via paypal at You can also send contributions to:

BCVI Foundation c/o Thomas J. Angell
150 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1000
Chicago, IL 60601

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