PUP Party Leader Meets with Business Community in San Pedro

Led by People’s United Party (PUP) Belize Rural South Chairman Mr. Nicolas Varela, Standard Bearer Mr. Elito Arceo and Mayoral Candidate Dr. Giovanni Solarzano, Party Leader Hon. Francis Fonseca visited three communities of San Pedro, Ambergris Caye on Saturday, August 23, 2014 which included the San Pedrito, San Mateo and DFC Areas. The San Mateo is one of the most impoverished and marginalized areas on the island lacking proper streets and running water.

A meeting with the members of the San Pedro Business community was also held at Banana Beach Resort before the scheduled endorsement of the San Pedro PUP candidates later that evening. The joint endorsement convention was held for Standard Bearer for PUP Belize Rural South and San Pedro Municipal. Mr. Elito Arceo is the new Standard Bearer and Dr. Giovanni Solarzano is the new Mayoral candidate leader for the PUP team.

The venue was at Central Park and was very well attended. Several leaders attended and participated including Party Leader Hon. Francis Fonseca, Party Chair Mr. Henry Usher, Past Leader Hon. John Briceño, Hon Jose Mai, Mr. Dan Silva, and Hon Marco Tulio Mendez.

PUP Party Leader Meets with Business Community in San Pedro

PUP Party Leader Meets with Business Community in San Pedro

Below is PUP Mayoral Candidate Giovanni Solorzano Endorsement Speech August 23, 2014:

San Pedro hasn’t experienced change in the municipal government for the past 12 years, due to the fact that the goals and objectives of improvement have remained dormant. There has been no improvement with regards to education and health, there has been a reduction in safety, an increase in crime rate, increase in fatalities, the parks and playgrounds have been neglected, the traffic has worsened, there has been no expansion of the electrification program, little or no expansion of water and sewerage program, little or no maintenance of streets and roads, and no infrastructure for social services.

March 4th, 2015, symbolizes a new day for La Isla Bonita. A day when we get to say to those that have taken advantage of us: Enough, No more!!

“We are a party that believes in ensuring that the people have a say in the priorities of the government and fostering a community discussion around decisions. It is your voice we are hearing and we want to work to create a happier, healthier environment. We represent the New San Pedro: San Pedranos by birth and San Pedranos by choice.

We represent and want to serve the entire community:
1. Within the first 90 days in Office, Order a Forensic Audit Report to determine the true state of the Council’s finances, assets and liabilities.
2. Revise our tax rates to create a level playing field that is fair and equitable to all.
3. Revise, implement locally by “de facto” the Master Plan to guide for proper zoning of residential, commercial and industrial areas.
4. We need to fix ALL our streets and start a program for proper drainage
5. Install eco-friendly garbage bins and collect garbage in a timely scheduled manner,
6. Clean and reclaim beaches respecting ecology and biodiversity,
7. Repair and maintain all parks and playgrounds,
8. Lobby for the construction of an artisan pier to allocate street vendors,
9. Lobby with central government for the institution of Municipal Police to assist with safety of residents and tourists,
10. Adopt a new and pro-growth tourism plan,
11. Establish security cameras at strategic for the safety of all pedestrians and vehicles.
12. Consult for the implementation of a Public transportation system for School children, senior citizens and people with physical/mental disabilities
13. Lobby with Central Government and assist with the construction of Government Primary and Secondary Schools.
14. Lobby with Central Government and assist with the proper planning of a Government Hospital and start as soon as possible a 24 hour health care plan.
15. Promote continuous sports program and Restore /Rehabilitate all sporting facilities in order to reduce crime rate,
16. Create alternate routes and parking areas to reduce traffic, and identify new parking areas for the down town of San Pedro
17. Strengthen the supply of electricity and ensure fair and proper distribution of water and sewerage to our community.
18. Encourage and provide the necessary support and assistance for women to implement programs that promote family values and responsibility in our children and youth.
19. Establish Social Network thru WIFI at Parks to promote openness, inclusiveness and interaction with citizens.
20. Establish a POS (point of sales) at the bridge for the collection of toll funds.

On March 4th 2015, come out; support the People United Party (PUP) The Blue Municipal Team, the team with a mission, the team with vision, the team with a plan. We are more, we are the change, and we are PUP to Serve the People of San Pedro Town.

We are the Blue Team. Our team is composed of members from different age groups, vibrant personalities, from different walks of life, of different occupations, honest and most of all dedicated to the betterment of our island and our way of life.

United We Stand! Together We Serve! P.U.P!
Doctor Giovanni Solórzano

PUP Party Leader Meets with Business Community in San Pedro

PUP Party Leader Meets with Business Community in San Pedro

PUP Party Leader Meets with Business Community in San PedroPUP Party Leader Meets with Business Community in San PedroPUP Party Leader Meets with Business Community in San PedroPUP Party Leader Meets with Business Community in San PedroPUP Party Leader Meets with Business Community in San PedroPUP Party Leader Meets with Business Community in San PedroPUP Party Leader Meets with Business Community in San PedroPUP Party Leader Meets with Business Community in San Pedro

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