According to Bloom Consulting Country Brand Ranking © 2014 Tourism Edition, this year Belize has remained on the 7th position in the region of Central America followed by its main rivals Nicaragua (8th) and Guyana (9th). Belize ranks #30 in the Americas List.
The research indicates that Belize is performing very modest in all the variables; however, the best results are related to the field of digital demand by having a rather high number of online searches in terms of tourism. Also the growth rates in international tourism receipts and arrivals show low rates because the country is not advertising itself enough online.
The research also highlights that potential tourists highly relate Belize to brandtags such as diving, beaches and local gastronomy. This relies on the research on online searches performed about tourism in Belize during the period of June 2013 until June 2014.
On the link below, you can find the full version of the ranking with the results and methodology: