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Community Collaboration Helps Feed the Hungry in Biggest Food Drive

On Saturday, June 6, 2015, quite possibly the island’s biggest food event was held with the organizing efforts of the San Pedro Food Bank, Sperro, Saga Humane Society and San Pedro Belize Red Cross who came together and demonstrated teamwork at its finest.

The San Pedro Food Bank, started by a group of community members in 2014, exists to help feed struggling families on the island. To be a recipient of the food bank, families must consist of at least one working parent with children, an average income of $75-$100Bze a week, and have expenses including utilities and school costs. It is important to note, many of these recipients are single mothers. Currently the food bank supports 22 families (120 people) with a waiting list of 40 families (200 people). The San Pedro Food Bank appreciates that the San Pedro Belize Red Cross reached out to work together and help benefit those that need it most.

Community Collaboration Helps Feed the Hungry in Biggest Food Drive

Community Collaboration Helps Feed the Hungry in Biggest Food Drive

Community Collaboration Helps Feed the Hungry in Biggest Food Drive

Sperro is a not for profit organization made up of 18-35 year old young adults who share a desire to serve the community and meet other young adults. Sperros leader of 26 volunteers from Ontario Canada contacted of the San Pedro Belize Red Cross after coming off a volunteer stint in Orange Walk to further expand their community work in the country and work with the Red Cross in San Pedro.

Feeding the hungry means feeding our island animals as well, so it was a natural decision to include Saga Humane Society, the islands only non-profit full service veterinary clinic, in the event. Founded in 1999 SAGA Humane Society serves to improve the general health and well being of the domestic and wild animals of the island. As stated by Dawn of the Saga Humane Society, “Community means all of us and that includes our animals. A community is often judged by how it cares for those in need and Saga Humane Society is committed to the entire community of San Pedro. We are thankful to the San Pedro Food Bank and the San Pedro Red Cross for allowing us to be a part of the community food drive and for their generosity in donating all Pedigree dog and cat food that was collected to our Fort Dog Shelter.”

Community Collaboration Helps Feed the Hungry in Biggest Food Drive

Community Collaboration Helps Feed the Hungry in Biggest Food Drive

Community Collaboration Helps Feed the Hungry in Biggest Food Drive

Community Collaboration Helps Feed the Hungry in Biggest Food Drive

As one of the functions of the Belize Red Cross is to feed the hungry, our San Pedro Branch was excited to be able to work with the San Pedro Food Bank, Sperro and SAGA in their endeavors to feed the island’s hungry.

This weekend’s food drive event was made up of volunteers accepting cash and food donations from the community throughout the town of San Pedro at the following locations: Super Buy, Rocks, Paradise Market, Reef Radio and TV, Caye Mart, Richies, Marks, Island City, Super
Buy South, Marinas, and Mermaid Store. The collaboration of the community’s efforts was seen everywhere!

Community Collaboration Helps Feed the Hungry in Biggest Food Drive

Community Collaboration Helps Feed the Hungry in Biggest Food Drive

Community Collaboration Helps Feed the Hungry in Biggest Food Drive

Community Collaboration Helps Feed the Hungry in Biggest Food Drive

The success of the food drive event surpassed any and all expectations resulting in a grand total of $3,600 and enough food to feed the participating families for 3 weeks, and many animals.

None of this could have been done without the support of our many contributors. The organizers would like to give a big thank you to the following: Ultimate Cart Rentals and Ocean Breeze Cart Rentals.

Please continue to support the San Pedro Food Bank by making food donations anytime at Caye Mart and both Super Buy locations. Cash donations can be made at Sandbar Hostel or contact Brittney at

If you would like more info on, and on San Pedro Belize Red Cross contact, Saga Humane Society contact, or Sperro contact

Community Collaboration Helps Feed the Hungry in Biggest Food Drive

Community Collaboration Helps Feed the Hungry in Biggest Food Drive

Community Collaboration Helps Feed the Hungry in Biggest Food Drive

Community Collaboration Helps Feed the Hungry in Biggest Food Drive

Community Collaboration Helps Feed the Hungry in Biggest Food Drive

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