Belize to Boost Preparedness for Ebola with Support from Taiwan

Washington, D.C (July 27, 2015) – The Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) donated Clinical Care Kits for the care of patients with Ebola Virus Disease to Belize’s Ministry of Health with cooperation from Taiwan. This is part of a larger regional effort prepare for and control a potential outbreak of Ebola.
The project is a direct response to a request from U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and other world leaders for increased international cooperation to better address the potential threat posed by Ebola worldwide and in the Americas.

With support from Taiwan, PADF is delivering Clinical Care Kits to Belize and other countries in the region. In the event of an Ebola outbreak, the equipment can be quickly deployed to hospitals and other care facilities to protect medical personnel as they treat patients.

Each kit contains personal protective items that meet the rigorous standards of international health organizations, including gowns, goggles, respirators, masks, gloves, biohazard bags, aprons, and other essential gear. According to international health experts, quick access to such equipment is essential to prevent the spread of the virus.

Belize to Boost Preparedness for Ebola with Support from Taiwan

“In light of the ongoing risks posed by the Ebola virus, Taiwan has partnered with PADF to boost preparedness efforts in Belize, and also in other countries in the region,” stated Ambassador H.E. Benjamin Ho of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to Belize. “We remain committed to emergency preparedness in the Americas and providing aid that meets high priority local needs that can save many lives.”

While no cases of Ebola have been reported in the region, international health organizations have been working to ensure that countries like Belize are prepared to safely treat patients, providing basic equipment, enhancing knowledge, and upgrading systems to address a potential outbreak of the virus.

“There is urgent need for protective equipment to prevent the transmission and spread of Ebola in the region. This donation is a major step in addressing the potential threat posed by an outbreak,” stated PADF Executive Director John Sanbrailo. “PADF is grateful to Taiwan for facilitating this cooperation with Belize, and for quickly and efficiently responding to Secretary Kerry’s and others’ call for increased international cooperation for this purpose. It is humanitarian partnerships like these that help the region prepare for and respond to emergencies and express the true spirit of international solidarity.”

Another PADF project funded by Taiwan launches this week in Southern Belize. The Community Preparedness and Resilience project is a 13-month program to help prepare and protect vulnerable populations in Dangriga Town and Hopkins from extreme weather and the effects of climate change.

PADF and Taiwan have been collaborating with countries throughout the region to address emergencies and natural disasters. The Taiwan-PADF Disaster Assistance and Reconstruction Fund is a five-year partnership to foster preparedness and mitigation programs. This initiative is part of an effort that PADF has undertaken to help communities better prepare for and mitigate the impact of emergencies in the region. In addition, other community-based disaster preparedness projects have been carried out in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Belize to Boost Preparedness for Ebola with Support from Taiwan

Belize to Boost Preparedness for Ebola with Support from Taiwan

About PADF
The Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) was established in 1962 to implement projects that benefit vulnerable and excluded people through the development of public-private partnerships and promotion of corporate social investing. PADF operates throughout the Americas and is an Inter-American instrument for generating economic opportunities, advancing social progress, strengthening communities and civil society, and aiding victims of natural disasters and humanitarian crises. In 2014, it reached more than 15 million people in 27 countries. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., PADF has field offices in Colombia, Haiti, Suriname, Belize, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and projects throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.

Belize to Boost Preparedness for Ebola with Support from Taiwan

Mask, goggles, hood and apron. Credit: World Health Organization
• With the support of Taiwan, PADF procured 100 Clinical Care Kits to be distributed in the event of the
introduction of Ebola in Latin America and Caribbean.
• Seven Clinical Care Kits will treat one Ebola patient for up to 15 days.
• Kits meet the rigorous standards of the WHO.
• Kits contain gowns, goggles, respirators, masks, gloves, biohazard bags, and aprons, among other items.

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