Lions President Rigo Hand Over To President Fatima

On Saturday night at the Lions Den of San Pedro, outgoing president Lion Rigoberto Kumul used the gavel to hit the Lions bell for the last time as he called his last meeting to order.  The occasion was to install the new board of directors for the San Pedro Lions Club. Stepping up to the rudder of the ship is incoming president Lion Fatima Graniel.  The installation of the new board was conducted by Zone Chairman Lion Raul Castillo.

The new board for the San Pedro Lions Club is as follows: President Fatima Graniel/ Vice President Rene Guzman/ Secretary Carolina Kumul/ Tresurer Abel Guerero Sr./ Membership Jan Brown/ Lion tamer Nigel Belisle/ 1st Year Director Rogoberto Kumul/ 2nd Year Director Flora Ancona/ Tail Twister Wally Nuñez/ Bar Manager Rigoberto Kumul. During the ceremony new member Pamela Zetina was initiated and sworn in.  New members were also initiated into the San Pedro Leos Club and the Belmopan Leos Club and thereafter the board of directors of these two clubs were also installed. The new president of the San Pedro Leos Club is Mandy Rivero.
Master of ceremonies Angel Nuñez acknowledged the presence of distinguished persons to the gathering.  They included Lion Raul Castillo Zone Chairman, Vice Zone Chairman Lion Rigoberto Kumul, Miss Belmopan lions Queen and Zone Queen Miss Ireland, and Miss San Pedro Lions Queen Marisha Thompson.  Music for the social which followed was provided by Rompe Raja.
Lions President Rigo Hand Over To President Fatima

Lions President Rigo Hand Over To President Fatima

Lions President Rigo Hand Over To President Fatima

Lions President Rigo Hand Over To President Fatima

Lions President Rigo Hand Over To President Fatima

Lions President Rigo Hand Over To President Fatima

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