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Explore Belize in 6 Seconds Videos! Belize Starts to Vine

– Press Release – The Belize Tourism Board (BTB) is ecstatic about the Launch of the Travel Belize VINE profile on September 1st, 2015! After securing a stack of breathtaking images, and harnessing its creativity, the first video was posted; it highlighted the Southeast Coast of Placencia.

Video launch:

This enticing 6-second video social media isn’t just another social platform, it’s an entirely new digital market for Belize to increase its digital engagements!
Our online audience is seeking new innovative ways to share their travel experiences in real-time and to be inspired for their next exploration!

With over 50 million users currently on Vine, the BTB’s Director of Marketing and Industry Relations, Ms. Karen Pike, explained that this new digital venture promises to highlight Belize as one of the top destinations for adventure and leisure, targeting millennia!

“It is one of many new and creative avenues we are tapping-into for the engagement and inspiration of travel-enthusiasts who are constantly seeking that next ‘IT’ destination… We know that Vine is one of the more popular and recent apps that travelers rely on for both adventure-tips as well as sharing their own unique and fun journeys, daily. In this realization we are more than excited to place Belize on the Vine-map!”- Director of Marketing and Industry Relations.

Vine allows users to share snippets of six second videos, in a super attractive and engaging format.

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