San Pedro House of Culture Opens Pirates of Belize Exhibit

Locals can recall the countless folkloric tales of pirate stories told to them by their grandparents, how they frequented the coasts of Belize. Some were to fantastic to believe while others were much closer to reality.

The San Pedro House of Culture inaugurated the Pirates of Belize exhibit on Thursday, September 3, 2015, that includes educational information on how pirates and the Baymen of Belize played an important role in the early settlement of the country.

San Pedro House of Culture Opens Pirates of Belize Exhibit

Large posters, artifacts and decorative displays with information on Belize’s early settlers, pirates and the Baymen are on showcase at the House of Culture as part of the country’s September Celebrations in honor of The Battle of St. George’s Caye and Belize’s Independence.

The management and staff of the San Pedro House of Culture invite the community to stop by the center to admire and learn from the display that the group has put together for everybody to enjoy.

San Pedro House of Culture Opens Pirates of Belize Exhibit

San Pedro House of Culture Opens Pirates of Belize Exhibit

San Pedro House of Culture Opens Pirates of Belize Exhibit

San Pedro House of Culture Opens Pirates of Belize Exhibit

San Pedro House of Culture Opens Pirates of Belize Exhibit

San Pedro House of Culture Opens Pirates of Belize Exhibit

San Pedro House of Culture Opens Pirates of Belize Exhibit

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