Belize City, Belize, September 4, 2015 – The Belize Tourism Board (BTB) hosted another SUCCESSFUL Twitter Live Chat, September 3, 2015 under the hashtag #BelizeanEats! With exotic cultural influences and succulent local dishes, Belize surely enticed foodie-travelers online and garnered over 13 million in impressions.
Participants were equally excited to both discover the authentic tastes of Belize as well as getting the chance to win unique foodie inspired prizes!
“Today our BelizeanEats Twitter live chat saw a huge user-reach and provided an added boost to the digital marketing drive for Belize! This is another testament to the endless possibilities that the digital market offers. As the leaders in marketing Belize online, we are always seeking new and creative ways to showcase the appeal that is Belize!” – Ms. Karen Pike, Belize Tourism Board’s Director of Marketing and Industry Relations.
This one (1) hour chat was hosted by @BelizeVacation along with (guest hosts) @ThePanted (Deb & Dave) with the sole focus on enticing foodie-travelers to discover the true “Taste of Belize”!
Using the data gathered from Crimson Hexagon, on #BelizeanEats, a total of 1,269 tweets were documented and 13 million impressions were made in just one hour!
This is a validation of the success that joint efforts produce, and we hereby extend a warm ‘Thank You’ to our valued sponsors who helped to make this Twitter live chat a fruitful one!
Bird’s Isle Restaurant | Elvi’s Kitchen | Guava Limb Café | Belikin | San Ignacio Resort Hotel | Ka’ana Resort | Flavor’s of Belize | Splash Dive Centre | Victoria House | EZ Boy Tours