$5Mil Investment Project for Sports Infrastructure on Ambergris Caye

Groundbreaking ceremony of the Ambergris Stadium Renovation Project took place on Friday, September 18, 2015, in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize. It marked the commencement of construction of a new sporting facility that will replace the old complex that had deteriorated with time and lack of maintenance.

When completed, the stadium will meet the requirements for hosting various sporting events on the island as it will also be equipped with FIFA international standards in order to host international games.

“With the building of this new facility, it will address some of our sporting shortfalls on the island,” stated San Pedro Mayor Daniel Guerrero in his address. “Nonetheless, I will be the first to acknowledge that much more needs to be invested in the area of sports on the island. Yes we need a basketball court, a track and field arena and we can go on and on, but small steps like this one we are taking today that gives us the hope that in the future we can look into investing more in the area of sports. The new facility that will be built is a collaborative effort of our local municipality working along with the central government.”

$5Mil Investment Project for Sports Infrastructure on Ambergris Caye

The stadium renovations is estimated to cost around $2.3Mil million dollars and with government having promised $5Mil to Ambergris Caye for the development of sports, the rest of the funds is being allocated towards the possible construction of an enclosed sporting/convention center complex.

“From the five million dollars, not only will the Ambergris Stadium be re-built, but we are looking to construct an enclosed prefab convention center which will host events such as, volleyball, basketball and many other activities. So whatever funds are left over we need to find a way to use them in projects that will benefit the island,” stated Mayor Guerrero.

The completion of the sport complex is expected to take between eight to ten months.

$5Mil Investment Project for Sports Infrastructure on Ambergris Caye

$5Mil Investment Project for Sports Infrastructure on Ambergris Caye

$5Mil Investment Project for Sports Infrastructure on Ambergris Caye

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