Belize Heads to the Polls on Early General Elections

The Prime Minister of Belize, Hon. Dean Barrow, called election nearly two years ahead of schedule, stating that he was confident of victory and not being impressed after seeing the campaign of his opposition the People’s United Party (PUP). Giving his opposition only two months to cram in their campaigning efforts, the outcome of the General Elections will be an interesting one.

Belize’s two main political parties concluded their campaign for Wednesday’s general elections expressing confidence. The ruling United Democratic Party and the main opposition People’s United Party have each nominated candidates for all 31 constituencies, while the newly formed People’s Progressive Party is contesting 25 seats.

Belize Heads to the Polls on Early General Elections

The PUP’s 2015-2019 manifesto promises the creation of 25,000 jobs, national health insurance, free primary and secondary education, abolition of income tax and a reduction in the general sales tax from 12.5 percent to 10 percent, among other initiatives.

Belize Heads to the Polls on Early General Elections

The UDP, meanwhile, has promised the development of a Commercial Bight Port, construction of a new international airport on Ambergris Caye and the development of a special financing program for small businesses and family farmers.

31 – Constituencies up for Representation
PUP & UDP each have 31 nominated candidates
People’s Progressive Party (PPP) nominated 25 candidates
196,587 – Number of registered Belizean Voters
150 – Number of Polling Areas
393 – Number of Polling Stations

Numerically – Belmopan is largest division with over 9,000 eligible voters
Stann Creek West and Belize Rural South are second & third

Geographically (in terms of area on map) Largest division is Belize Rural South, followed by followed by Toledo East and Orange Walk South. The smallest in size are Mesopotamia, Pickstock, Queen Square, and Fort George.

Belize Heads to the Polls on Early General Elections

Belize Heads to the Polls on Early General Elections

Belize Heads to the Polls on Early General Elections

Belize Heads to the Polls on Early General Elections

Belize Heads to the Polls on Early General Elections

Belize Heads to the Polls on Early General Elections

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