The European Union, through the Banana Accompanying Measures (BAM) Program, in conjunction with the Ministry of Education and Chamberlain Consulting Limited, is pleased to inform the public of the launch of its Facebook Page Votech Belize and on-going poster and essay competitions open to students throughout the country.
The Votech Belize Facebook page has been launched in an effort to keep the public updated on the many successes of the Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) institutions and high schools. The page is managed by key players within the Ministry of Education and helps to showcase the positive factors of each of our vocational schools through thumbnails, updates, newsletters, etc. Like the page on Facebook and come to see all the wonderful things the vocational schools have to offer.
The essay competition is geared towards students age 12-17 who are currently enrolled in a local school. The essay should answer the following three (3) questions in 500-800 words:
1. Why is it important to teach technical and vocational training in high school?
2. How can vocation and trades help Belize’s future economic development?
3. How does technical and vocational training play a role in you achieving your future career goals?
The poster competition is geared towards students ages 10-14 who are currently enrolled in a local school and should depict the importance of technical and vocational training in the growth of Belize’s economy. The poster should be geared towards key stakeholders.
Deadline for submission of both competitions is April 15, 2016. Prizes include laptops, tablets and monetary prizes to the school. For a list of complete rules and guidelines, be sure to visit our Votech Belize Facebook page or visit your local district education office.