Pet Parrot Inspection/Registration in San Pedro

The Forest Department, through this medium, notifies the public that it will be conducting a sweep in San Pedro on Monday April 25, 2016, visiting households with parrots. The primary inspection serves to assess the conditions and housing of parrots in your possession and to give recommendations on how to improve conditions.

It is strongly suggested that if the dietary requirements for parrots are not being followed, that they must be improved for healthier and longer lifespans. Please see dietary conditions in the “Minimum Care Standards – Husbandry”.

It is highly recommended, that if the housing for the parrots are not up to the minimum requirements based on size, materials and or perches required, for this to be tended to as soon as possible, preferably before the first inspection.

The Forestry Department Advises:

“When visiting your household, if all requirements are met within the primary inspection, your parrot may be registered on site. Please note, that upon registering your parrot, we will attach a small ring/tag on the parrot’s foot and a ‘Captive Wildlife Permit’ will be issued. This ring has an identification number and is not to be forcibly removed; the parrot will not be able to take it off either. It is harmless and necessary for the identification of registered parrots.

If you have neighbors or know of other persons in your town who are parrot owners, kindly advise them to contact us at the Forest Department, to register their parrot.”

Please note that it is illegal to have wildlife in your possession, as it contravenes with the Wildlife Protection Act, Chapter 220, of the Subsidiary Laws of Belize. This is not an invitation to buy or sell parrots, or capture them from the wild. A parrot must be hand tamed by owner in order to be considered a ‘pet’; the parrot must also be 1 year or older in order to be registered. If the parrot is not one year old, it must be returned into the wild. Please feel free to contact the Forest Department at 822-1524 for more information or

Registration forms are available at the San Pedro Public Library and also online with instructions and care standards (Click Here). Visit the Belize Bird Rescue website for more information.

Pet Parrot Inspection/Registration in San Pedro

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