San Pedro Town Boasts New Flag and Coat of Arms

As part of the upcoming celebrations for Dia de San Pedro (St. Peter’s Day), patron Saint of the town, the San Pedro House of Culture presented San Pedro Mayor, Daniel Guerrero and Area Representative, Minister of Tourism, Hon. Manuel Heredia Jr. with the new flag and emblem that will be used during the Dia de San Pedro Festivities.

The flag, which will now be the official flag of San Pedro Town, was endorsed by both the Mayor and Area Representative at the presentation held on Thursday, June 16, 2016, at the Town Hall. Did de San Pedro is celebrated on June 29 with a schedule of activities that take place leading up to it.

San Pedro Town Boasts New Flag and Coat of Arms


The Flag of San Pedro

San Pedro Town Boasts New Flag and Coat of Arms

The flag of San Pedro includes symbols which represent important aspects of its heritage. The Coat of Arms embodies the symbols of St. Peter, the patron saint of San Pedro from whom the town was named after. St. Peter is the patron saint of fishermen, net makers and ship builders.

The Colors: The red, white and green flag of San Pedro represents the three colors of St. Peter. The red signifies the blood of those massacred during the Yucatan Caste War. White symbolizes the peace that the Mestizo people seek in their new settlement.  Green represents the hope of the Mestizo people.

Symbols of St. Peter (Coat of Arms)

 San Pedro Town Boasts New Flag and Coat of Arms
The shield represents the Coat of Arms.  An inverted Latin cross divides the field into four quarters. The field is maroon, the traditional color of royalty and nobility.

The Inverted Cross: A St. Peter’s Cross is an inverted Latin cross. It symbolizes the martyrdom of Saint Peter, the Prince of the Apostles. The origin of this symbol comes from the fact that St. Peter was crucified upside down, as he felt he was unworthy to be crucified in the same manner that Christ died (upright).

The Cock: The first quarter, the upper left hand section, bears the cock which represents the three times St. Peter denies Christ as he had predicted.

The Crossed Keys: The second quarter, the upper right hand side, represents the Papal authority to which the Society of Jesus is dedicated by special vow and by which the Christian people are assured of infallible guidance in faith and morals. The Crossed Keys are Christ’s own symbols of that authority according to his words spoken to Peter, “I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of Heaven…” It symbolizing the keys of heaven.

The Fisherman’s Net: The two lower quarters portray the fisherman’s net and the apostolate of the Church and Society: “I will make you fishers of men”.

The Motto: The motto, “Sub umbra Petri” is translated “Under the shadow of Peter” and recalls the beautiful practice of the early Christians who brought their sick to Peter “so that when Peter passed, his shadow at least might fall on some of them”. Under the same shadow Sanpedranos live and prosper.

San Pedro Town Boasts New Flag and Coat of Arms

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