Hurricane Earl Belize Victim Relief Set Up by Consulates of Belize in US

Hurricane Earl made its landfall in Belize early today Thursday, August 4th, 2016 wreaking havoc and extensive damage to homes and villages in Belize.
On behalf of the Embassy of Belize in Washington, DC and all of the Consulates of Belize in the United States of America, the Consulate of Belize in Florida has set up a GoFundMe account Hurricane Earl Belize Victim Relief to collect monetary donations in anticipation of the damage and loss experienced by our fellow Belizeans at home.
“Due to the usual delays associated with collecting clothing and food items, we are asking your help in gathering monetary donations in order to speedily reach the people and areas needing the most critical help,” requested the Consulate of Belize in Florida.
“If however you wish to simultaneously donate clothing, food and medical supplies you may contact your local salvation army for information on how to get your items to Belize since they have a very organized hurricane relief system in collecting supplies.”

Belize needs all of our time and resources. Please give generously and donate at Hurricane Earl Belize Victim Relief –

Janine Sylvestre Vega
Hon. Consul General of Belize in Florida
Trade Representative of Belize in Florida

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