Pet Parrot Licensing Application Period to Close

The Forest Department announces that the application period for the Captive Wildlife Permit program for pet parrots will close on October 31st, 2016. Since the program began, the department received more than 2,000 applications and registered over 300 parrots already. Hundreds of parrots were rehabilitated and returned to the wild when inspections revealed that: (a) the parrots were found to be less than one-year old and; (b) bird owners failed to meet strict compliance standards.

Parrots represent the largest group of captive wild animals in Belize. Thousands of wild birds have been and continue to be illegally captured and traded on the domestic and international market to meet the demand for the pet trade. This has devastating impacts on Belize’s parrot species population, particularly the scarlet macaw and yellow-headed parrots now threatened by extinction due to habitat loss and illegal capturing.

Under the Wildlife Protection Act and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, any person found capturing, exporting, importing, hunting, killing, or molesting any wildlife species can serve imprisonment and/or fines. Consequently, the Forest Department warns that with the approaching end of the parrot registration program, they have stepped-up enforcement to capture those who continue such illegal practices.

The Department welcomes the support and assistance of the general public. Report any illegal forest activities to the Forest Department at 822-1524.

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