No Charges Yet for Faye’s Parents Who Remain in Police Custody

UPDATE on DAVE & ANKE DOEHM CASE (Monday, July 10, 2017): San Pedro Police has confirmed that the DOEHM couple has been charged for drug possession and is still detained in San Pedro pending arraignment within the next two days. Follow Ambergris Today​ for continuing updates.

As the day ends with residents all angry, frustrated and and feeling hopeless and partly responsible for the death of 13-year-old Fay Lin Cannon, the Criminal Investigation Branch of San Pedro Police Department continues their investigations. Prime suspects in the murder case, David and Anke Doehm, have not been charged with murder or conspiracy of murder.

The Doehms remain in San Pedro Police custody tonight as the Magistrate explained that the 48-hour investigation period won’t expire until Saturday, July 8. If the Doehms are found guilty of Faye’s death, San Pedro Police will have the right to keep them in custody over the weekend until they can reappear in court on Monday, July 10.

At a closed-court family matter case held today with Anke Doehm, the hearing resulted in San Pedro Town Magistrate Janel Villanueva granting full custody of Cannon siblings to the Department of Human Services.

While the hearings, interviews and investigations took place inside the police department, outside angry residents gathered to plea for justice. They expressed their frustrations over reporting the Doehms to the authorities who never followed through or intervened in the evident abuse the community was suspecting and seeing; the signs were there.

No Charges Yet for Faye’s Parents Who Remain in Police Custody - Death Faye Lin Cannon

But the island residents will not stand quiet or allow more injustices to haunt the community. Residents will once again unite to plea for justice as a group has organized a peaceful protest on Saturday, July 8, starting at 9a.m. at Central Park. Ambergris Today will continue following this developing story.

Related Links:

Adoptive Parents Detained as Police Investigate Death of 13-Year-Old Girl
Could 13-Year-Old Faye’s Death Been Prevented? Community Rallies for Hope!

No Charges Yet for Faye’s Parents Who Remain in Police Custody - Death Faye Lin Cannon 

No Charges Yet for Faye’s Parents Who Remain in Police Custody - Death Faye Lin Cannon

No Charges Yet for Faye’s Parents Who Remain in Police Custody - Death Faye Lin Cannon

No Charges Yet for Faye’s Parents Who Remain in Police Custody - Death Faye Lin Cannon

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