SP Police Holds GREAT Essay Competition

The San Pedro Police Department held an essay competition as part of a life skill program that is being taught at different schools on the island. GREAT (Gang Resistance Education Training) is a school-based program that includes classroom instruction and various learning activities. The course’s goal is to combat gang related crime and violence, and prevent vulnerable youth from falling victim to gangs. 

Police celebrated GREAT Awareness week on October 15 to the 21 and held an essay completion. In the essay, students had to include what the program was about and why they choose the GREAT Program. Winners of the essay competition were announced this past week:

1st place winner – Annelyse Perdue from Isla Bonita Elementary School

2nd place winner – Nia Lisbey from Ambergris Caye Elementary School

3rd place winner – Terence Keating from Isla Bonita Elementary School

Instructors of the GREAT program are Police Constable Juan Choc and Police Constable Harris. PC Choc would like to congratulate the winners and thank all participants in this year’s essay competition.

SP Police Holds GREAT Essay Competition

SP Police Holds GREAT Essay Competition

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