Press Release – 8 February 2018 – The Belize Police Department takes this opportunity to inform the general public of the policy in respect to police officers working Special Duty at business establishments and major events.
With immediate effect the business establishments/individuals requesting officers to work Special Duty must apply to the respective Formations/Sub-Formations Commanders at least (72) seventy two hours prior to the scheduled event. The application should include the specific duty requested and the time frame. Where practical, businesses are encouraged to employ private security companies. If the application is approved, the establishment will be given an invoice and be required to make necessary payments into the Treasury Department prior to any Police Officer being detailed for such duty.
Special Duty Rates are as follows:
1. Constables and Corporals – $12.50 per hour
2. Sergeants – $14.50 per hour
3. Senior Officers – $15.00 per hour
This directive is NOT intended to frustrate businesses but to ensure greater accountability and security.