Successful Fundraiser Held for Charlie Trent

Recently Charlie was diagnosed with complications from a stroke, so his friends jumped in to give Charlie much needed financial help to combat medical needs. On Sunday, February 11, 2018, Dianne Lawrence (AKA Quicksilver), with the huge help from Carlo and Ernie, Runway Bar, a fundraiser was held from noon to 5pm. The festivities included music by Dennis Wolfe, Jr., Carlos Jex and Gary, followed later by DJ Trax. Travelers Rum donated bottles of rum not only for raffling off, but sales from the product offered 25% donation to the cause.  A bake sale offered everything from cheesecakes and pints of curry sauce to cakes, cookies and even doggie biscuits!  

Six baskets of fabulous items were offered as raffle prizes. The lucky winners netted over $1500 per basket! One gracious winner, Mr. Todd, even put his winning basket back for auction, which netted another $550!  Super friends, indeed. The lucky winners of the baskets were:  Basket #1 Kimberly Hanson, #2 Jorge Sanchez, #3 Lara Goldman, #4 Kathy and Wade from Roadkill Bar, #5 Mr. Todd with the auction winners were Jim and Lynn McCrimmon, and #6  Bill Apperson.  Congratulations to all.  

Charlie Trent, AKA Charlie T., has been in San Pedro for a long time. Charlie became a friend to many after retiring here some 15 years ago.  Charlie suffered a bad stroke but that didn’t put him down – oh no!  Fighting back, you can find him most of the times at Carlo & Ernie’s Runway Bar & Grill or up at Sandy Toes enjoying visits with his friends and fellow SP Walk-a-Holics!

A huge thanks goes out to all the wonderful businesses and individuals who have helped the organizers to reach their goal for the partial medical work Charlie needs to have done in Merida.  So, in a month or so, look for Charlie’s smiling face to once again be back in his favorite corner of the bar to have a laugh or two with you. THANK YOU TO ONE AND ALL!!! 

Submitted by Jan Brown

Successful Fundraiser Held for Charlie Trent

Successful Fundraiser Held for Charlie Trent

Successful Fundraiser Held for Charlie Trent

Successful Fundraiser Held for Charlie Trent

Successful Fundraiser Held for Charlie Trent

Successful Fundraiser Held for Charlie Trent

Successful Fundraiser Held for Charlie Trent

Successful Fundraiser Held for Charlie Trent

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