The Jewel, Belize, is gaining lots of attention as a well-known Youtuber is reporting that he is found Peter Pan’s Neverland in Belize. Sounds funny right, but for many Disney diehard fans this is one pretty awesome piece of news and to the Belize Tourism Board this is awesome exposure to our little country.
Well-known Youtuber Matthew Patrick has his YouTube page named GameTheorist where he has a lot of videos on theories of games and several Disney inspired videos. This time around he chose Peter Pan’s Neverland and has put together a video where he strongly believes that the Turneffe Atoll in Belize is Neverland.
Matthew explains in details of the course that Peter Pan, Wendy and the childdren took as they flew from London to Neverland. He compares star constellations mentioned in the book to the position of London, as well as the landmarks the children and Peter fly over in the capital to get to Neverland. He’s also able to narrow the island search down by the number of inlets and lagoons that the island has, as well as the species of crocodile on it.
The Belize Tourism Board is loving this video so much that they have opened a contest inviting a real-life Peter and Wendy to the Turneffe Atoll. How does this work? It’s quite simple: If your name is Peter, find a friend named Wendy, and email: with them on the CC line (and vice versa if your name is Wendy). Any Peter and Wendy (in the United States over the age of 18) have between now and next Monday, May 14, 2018, when the Belize Tourism Board will pick one duo at random to send on a free five-day vacation to Turneffe Island or should we say Neverland!