Re-Registration of Electors Exercise 2018

The Elections and Boundaries Department hereby provides the public with the following information regarding the upcoming re-registration of electors exercise:

Proclamation- Appointment of Commencement Day for Re-Registration

Statutory Instrument No. 47 of 2017 is a proclamation issued by the Governor General altering the date for the commencement of the re-registration exercise to be carried out from 1st July 2017 to 1st July 2018.

Purpose of a Re-Registration

The Representation of the People Act (ROPA) states that there shall be carried out a complete re-registration of electors every twenty years, the first being in 1st July 1997 (Statutory Instrument Numbers 17 of 2007 and 7 of 2012).

The exercise paves the way for the creation of new registers of electors and issuance of new voter identification cards to all qualified electors who participated in the exercise.

Re-Registration Strategy

Since 1st July 2018 will fall on a Sunday, the mass registration begins on Monday, 2nd July 2018. The traditional buildings used as polling stations will be used as registration centers. Efforts are being made not to utilize high schools since, in most cases, these buildings are used for summer classes and workshops. All centers will be manned by Temporary Assistant Registering Officers who have been recruited by the Ministry of the Public Service. Centers will be opened from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Mondays to Fridays, and from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays. Investigations will be conducted every day of the week.

There will be scheduled visits made to villages in an effort to reach out to as many communities as possible.

The Registering Officers will also accommodate senior citizens and persons with any physical incapacity who request such assistance.

At the end of August 2018, registration centers will be closed, and the Elections and Boundaries Department Registration Offices countrywide will be utilized for the ongoing re-registration exercise.

After the mass registration is completed, in accordance with Rule 22 of the Representation of the People Registration Rules, the Registering Officer shall on a date specified, in consultation with the Chief Elections Officer, by the Minister; by order published in the Gazette, prepare and publish registers of electors. Fourteen (14) days will be allowed for objections and rectification of particulars, after which they would be revised by the courts. After this, normal registration will continue with monthly supplementary lists being added to the register. In accordance with Rule 8(3) of the Representation of the People Registration Rules, political parties are afforded the opportunity to have scrutineers at the registration centers to observe the registration process.

Documents required for Registration

The policy of requiring proof of citizenship, age, and authentication of documents tendered shall be strictly enforced.

In exceptional cases only, those who are unable to produce proof of citizenship and age, are required to bring along a photograph certified, stamped, and signed by a Justice of the Peace to be a true likeness of the person. Applicants are then requested to complete a form available at the registration center or area, which will be forwarded to the General Registry or Immigration Department for verification of the particulars provided.

Transparency of the Re-Registration Process

As soon as the Registering Officers publish the new registers of electors, there will be notices published specifying the places where the registers will be available for inspection.

All eligible persons are being encouraged to participate in this Re-registration Exercise.

Re-Register- “Your Right to Vote Depends on it.”

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