Ricklee Response & Rescue Help Save Sailors Adrift on Ambergris Caye

It is always great to hear good news especially when lives are saved. On Monday, August 13, 2018, at around 7p.m. the South Ambergris Caye Neighborhood Watch picked up a distress call on Channel 16 (Marine Channel) and turned for help to Ricklee Response & Rescue (RRR).

The distress call was answered by RRR’s volunteer Abner Bacab, where he was informed that there was a boat on the reef and that the sailors were adrift in a dinghy. The RRR team consisting of Tuff e Nuff and Scuba School responded quickly and effectively and found the sailors in the water other out life jackets.

A huge thank you to RRR and its team for responding, performing an effective search in the dark and saving the lives of these sailing visitors. Thank you to SACNW for trusting RRR and A big Thank you to Ambergris Divers for securing the dingy.

RRR has made great strides to become an effective Water Emergency Team. Thanks to the Houston RRR team for raising money to equip the RRR Ambergris Caye Team with marine radios, first aid kits, flashlights, spot lights, binoculars, throw ropes all in red duffel bags. RRR is dedicated to providing a reliable, effective and efficient Response team for Ambergris Caye.

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