Belize Police Investigating Two of Their Own for Cocaine Bust

The Belize Police Department is currently investigating two of their own after the landing of a drug plane carrying over $7million US worth of Cocaine on Sunday, September 9, 2018 in the Tres Leguas Area in Orange Walk.

The Police Department issued a press release confirming having received information on the possible involvement of two of their own. Commissioner of Police, Allen Whylie has ordered and internal investigation into the recent drug plane landing in Northern Belize. An investigation team has been launched and is being headed by Assistant Commissioner of Police, Robert Mariano.

While the investigation is ongoing, Superintendent of Police, David Chi has been relieved of his command as Officer Commanding Orange Walk Police Formation by the Commissioner of Police. Additionally with immediate effect Chi has been placed on five days administrative leave pending the investigation into his possible involvement in the illegal landing of the aircraft. Also effect immediately Police Constable, Norman Anthony, who is the resident Constable in charge of Blue Creek Police Station and who was detained in a vehicle heading in the direction of the landing sire has been suspended from duty by the Commissioner of Police.

The Commissioner of Police wishes to re-assure the Belizean public that any police officer involved in illicit activities will be dealt with to the full extent of the law.
(Pictures Courtesy: The Reporter)

Belize Police Investigating Two of Their Own for Cocaine Bust

Belize Police Investigating Two of Their Own for Cocaine Bust

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