Government of Belize to Expand Hemodialysis Program

The Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow, with the approval and support of Cabinet, has agreed to expand the Hemodialysis program to cover more than twice the number of patients with end-stage Renal failure. The implementation of the expanded program is as follows:
1. Ministry of Health will contract with the following providers: KHMHA, Loma Luz Hospital, Miguel Rosado Dialysis Center, and Dialysis del Caribe. The Ministry has evaluated and certified that these establishments have met acceptable standards for quality care.

2. The Ministry will pay the contracted provider for 2 dialysis sessions per week per patient. The patient will be required to pay the third session directly to the provider.

3. All 15 patients registered with KHMHA will continue with KHMHA; the 16 presently on the program at the La Loma Luz Hospital will remain there and an additional 6 patients will be transferred from Dialysis del Caribe. These are patients that live in the San Ignacio area; The Miguel Rosado Dialysis Center will remain with its 16 patients; Dialysis del Caribe will have 35 patients that will be paid for by the Government of Belize as per guideline.

4. The Ministry will be signing the contracts with the terms and conditions by next week Monday, 8th October. The Ministry will keep the public informed on when the contracts become viable and they can then expect to get the two weekly sessions paid for by Government.

Any information regarding the contracted services being paid by Government should be addressed with the Office of the Director of Health Services.

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