BTB Mid Year Statistics Shows Remarkable Tourism Growth

The latest statistics for the first half of this year show a remarkable and persistent growth in both overnight and cruise ship arrivals; positioning Belize as a favorite vacation paradise and underscoring the effective marketing strategy by the BTB and its industry stakeholders in promoting the country as a leading tourism destination. The following is a breakdown of the latest figures for the first half of 2019 for both overnight and cruise ship arrivals.

Mid Year 2019 Registered A Cumulative Increase Of 6% In Overnight Arrivals

At the end of the second quarter of 2019, there was a cumulative increase of 6% in overnight tourist arrivals for 2019 over 2018.  As the off-season approaches, June experienced a slight dip of approximately 400 visitors in comparison to last year.  At midyear a total of 284,576 visitors have experienced our diverse tourism destination and attractions.

Mid Year Statistics Shows Remarkable Tourism Growth

Cruise Ship Arrivals Register 10.8% Increase In First Half of 2019

While June reflected an approximate 18,000 less in cruise visitors when compared to the previous year; the first half of 2019 cruise passenger arrivals totaled an approximate 700,000 visitors. This is reflective of a 10.8% increase over 2018. Furthermore, there were 7more cruise ship calls in comparison to 2018.

Mid Year Statistics Shows Remarkable Tourism Growth

In related news, the BTB is pleased to announce that it has completed the 2018 Travel & Tourism Statistics Digest, an annual compilation of statistics on the Tourism Industry of Belize.

The digest is available on the BTB website or by clicking the following link: BTB website:

Belize’s indigenous lineage with multiple ethnic groups, its excellent cuisine, contagious music and folklore, its numerous historical attractions, festivals and natural wonders all make the country a perfect vacation destination.

The BTB  reiterates  its strong commitment  to continue working with its valued partners  and stakeholders in executing innovative strategies to market, develop and enhance Belize’s tourism product for the enjoyment of both visitors and Belizeans alike. Belize, a Curious Place!

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