Karl H Menzies and Tito’s Partner with Belize Zoo for Conservation of Jaguars

The Problem Jaguar Rehabilitation Program

Karl H. Menzies Co. Ltd. is very pleased to announce that on August 13th, 2019, they officially signed off on a partnership with Tito’s and The Belize Zoo.  This partnership is going to have a ferocious influence on the conservation of our Jaguars in Belize.  “The ‘Problem Jaguar Rehabilitation Program’ at the Belize Zoo was started in 2004 and seeks to provide a safe environment for wild jaguars through education and awareness.  It aims to reduce the number of jaguar killings and lower the incidence of livestock attack while providing a safe home for jaguars that would otherwise be killed.” ~Celso Poot, Director The Belize Zoo. The program has provided important information on jaguar behavior; it has attracted international attention and will continue to provide data that will aid in research that will benefit wildlife conservation in Belize.  

KHM and Tito’s will assist by providing donations from the sales of Tito’s Vodka to this program as well as through sponsorship of fundraising events and special “Wild” Tito’s initiatives throughout the year.’   

Our involvement will raise visibility and provide some much-needed funding support to ensure that jaguars continue to roam our Belizean forests well into the future. The Beverage Division at Karl H Menzies is the sole authorized distributor of Tito’s Vodka in Belize, and now every purchase of Tito’s Vodka from The Beverage Division helps to save jaguars in Belize.   

Karl H Menzies and Tito’s Partner with Belize Zoo for Conservation of Jaguars

Karl H Menzies and Tito’s Partner with Belize Zoo for Conservation of Jaguars

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