Belize Electricity Limited Inaugurates New San Pedro Branch Office

On Friday, Novemeber 15, 2019, the Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) inaugurated its new San Pedro Branch Office on Pescador Drive. BEL took this opportunity to announce the Company’s new strategic direction to expand its offerings to current and new customers.

Ms. Sheena Garnett, Sr. Corporate Communications Officer of BEL was the Mistress of Ceremony for the event. After a lovely rendition of the National Anthem by Natalie Arceo and prayer by Father David Mumba of the San Pedro RC Church the welcome address was delivered by Mayor Daniel Guerrero of San Pedro Town.

In his welcome address, Mayor Guerrero spoke about the history of how San Pedro Town first got electricity. “The first source of electricity was installed by a German in 1931….20 years later Mr, Jim Blake installed a generator which supplied energy to abut 20-25 families,” stated Guerrero. “We are thankful to Belize Electrcity Limited for acknowledging the growing needs of the island and supplying the entire island with electricity.”

“BEL is all about improving customer service on the island and across Belize. Up to 1998 this building housed the diesel generator that was used to supply electricity to the island which was then connected to Bomba with 12 miles of submereged power lines connected to the southern end of the island,” stated Sean Fuller, General Manager, Commercial & Retail Services, BEL.

Belize Electricity Limited is now serving over 3,400 customers on the island from the renovated building located at the Substation property. The new office features an open and spacious customer reception area, priority seating and service for senior citizens, a wheelchair ramp and convenient parking inclusive of a designated handicap section.

Mr. Fuller also announced BEL’s plans to launch an Electric Vehicle Pilot Project on San Pedro soon, to re-introduce electric transportation and encourage residents to make the environmentally responsible and energy efficient switch to vehicles utilizing lithium-ion battery technology from vehicles using fossil fuel. Public charging stations and payment kiosks will also be installed at the office and other locations on the island.

Mr. Pedro Salazar of Coral Cable Vision & Caribena Enterprises was a special speaker at the event as he delivered a brief speech on how BEL has come a long way since its inception on the island and how it worked along with the Caribena Cooperative to supply power to the island. In closing the event, Mrs. Cyndy Castillo, San Pedro District Coordinator of BEL, delivered the Vote of Thanks speech and the official ribbon cutting was carried out by Mayor Daniel Guerrero and Mr. Sean Fuller. Guests were then given a tour of the new facility and invited to light refreshments.

The ceremony is symbolic of BEL’s commitment to improving customers’ experiences, expanding services throughout Belize and providing safe, reliable and sustainable energy solutions.

Belize Electricity Limited Inaugurates New San Pedro Branch Office

Belize Electricity Limited Inaugurates New San Pedro Branch Office

Belize Electricity Limited Inaugurates New San Pedro Branch Office

Belize Electricity Limited Inaugurates New San Pedro Branch Office

Belize Electricity Limited Inaugurates New San Pedro Branch Office

Belize Electricity Limited Inaugurates New San Pedro Branch Office

Belize Electricity Limited Inaugurates New San Pedro Branch Office

Belize Electricity Limited Inaugurates New San Pedro Branch Office

Belize Electricity Limited Inaugurates New San Pedro Branch Office

Belize Electricity Limited Inaugurates New San Pedro Branch Office

Belize Electricity Limited Inaugurates New San Pedro Branch Office

Belize Electricity Limited Inaugurates New San Pedro Branch Office

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