San Pedro High Announces 139 Senior Graduating Class

San Pedro High School is set to graduate 139 seniors by mid month and this week the school announced the top students of the graduating class. Manuel Casasola took the top honors of Valedictorian while Rachel Alamilla will be the Salutatorian and the Vote of Thanks will be given by Stephanie Usher. Like most graduations ceremonies this year, San Pedro High has planned an unconventional ceremony that includes a broadcast of the speeches and certain parts of the ceremony that will be recorded and broadcasted live through Reef TV on June 18.  

San Pedro High Announces 139 Senior Graduating Class

The distribution of awards and diplomas is being planed within the span of two days by students coming in the company of their families and getting a five minute maximum time taking pictures and getting their awards and diplomas.

San Pedro High school will join schools throughout the country in participation of a special virtual national graduation event set for June 21, in which all high school students countrywide will be honored for their achievement. The first-of-a-kind event will feature remarks from Prime Minister, Right Honorable Dean Barrow, Leader of the Opposition Honorable John Briceño, and Minister of Education Honorable Patrick Faber among other invited speakers.

Announced by the Ministry of Education, classes for the new school year 2020-2021 will be back in session inside the traditional classrooms on Monday, August 10. It is a tentative date as all things are now dependent of the Covid-19 situation and how it develops.  Minister Patrick Faber made the announcement yesterday, Monday, June 9, 2020, via a press conference to discuss the State of Education in Belize.  The August 10 date is set for pre, primary and secondary schools as the start of the new academic year.  It is an early start date but, according to the Minister, it is being done so teachers and students can close the gaps created by COVID-19 in March.

“June 15th to June 30th we are hoping that all secondary school teachers and counselors can return to school and this is in preparing for the CSEC examinations also to close out the current school year and to start pre-planning for the start of the new school year,” stated Hon. Patrick Faber, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports.

“We will also be requiring secondary school students who are going to sit the CSEC, locally know and more appreciated CXC exams here in Belize we are going to ask those students to return June 15th to 30th as well. June 22nd to July 31st TVET instructors and trainees will be asked to return and this is in order that they be able to complete practical components of their trade programs and also to prepare for the start of the new training cycle. July 13th to August 4th we are asking that secondary school and junior college students who are sitting the exams be ready and of course the purpose for their return is to sit the actual CSEC/CXC , CAPE exams. August 3rd to the 7th we will be requiring preschool, primary and secondary school, this is all levels, teachers to return to the classrooms – sorry I said all levels but I think not included there is tertiary- and the reason for their return on August 3rd would be to prepare for the start of the new school year and also to prepare for diagnostic assessments and intervention planning. August 10th is a key date to watch, this is when we believe we are going to be poised to open schools at the preschool, primary school and secondary levels so that all teachers and students can start the new school year so that there can be the administering of the diagnostic assessments and so that we can start implementing learning recovery programs. August 24th the TVET instructors and trainees will be required to return and they will then begin their new training cycle.”

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