Island Task Force Created As COVID-19 Cases Cause Major Concerns

Shocking and tragic deaths due to COVID-19 in the medical community, government officials, has sent shockwaves of concerns across the country of Belize. Staggering numbers of new COVID-19 cases has placed Belize on the top list of active cases in the Caribbean and 39th in the world in deaths per capita. While some Belizeans are asking for another strict lockdown, island residents, at most, are concerned that a second lockdown will cripple the island economy, severely disrupt the tourism industry even further and send more residents in despair, destress and devastating hardships.

Island Task Force Created As COVID-19 Cases Cause Major Concerns

While a lockdown has not been hinted by government, many are afraid that it would be considered. In response to concerns and a reaction to the increase in COVID-19 cases, island community leaders are getting together today, Monday, December 14, to create an Island Task Force which will be working in creating more awareness of the pandemic, enforcing stricter regulations and making sure businesses adhere to quarantine laws.

Most importantly, the San Pedro Police Department will be pressuring residents to follow the basic hand washing, wearing of masks and practicing social distancing protocols; these are essential at keeping the virus at bay and cannot be stressed more for everyone to continue practicing. “We want everyone to be responsible,” stressed OC Noble, San Pedro Police Department. “We now people do not want a lockdown. Be responsible when you are out there and we will be better with time.”

He says the major problems his department faces are the constant reminders for everyone to wear their masks and to avoid large social gatherings. He also asks for cooperation from the business community to place proper sanitary requirements for their customers. Hon. Andre Perez, Area Representative will be joining the San Pedro Town Council, San Pedro Police Department, Health Department and other officials in the Task Force which will outline more of their initiatives as a group.

“It is unfair for us to put others at risk due to our irresponsibilities, we must do our part to protect one another,” commented Hon. Andre Perez during the Good Morning San Pedro Morning Show.  We are expecting more information about the Task Force once they meet for the first time today.

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