Forty-three-year-old Ian ‘Lion’ Gordon (long-time resident of San Pedro, Ambergris Caye) is currently on an 8-day run of Belize challenging himself to complete 13.1-mile runs (or half marathon) in all the districts of Belize. He is running a total of 104.8 miles in eight different towns plus Belmopan and Belize City in eight consecutive days in celebration of his five years as a marathoner.
Today, Wednesday, April 28, 2021 he completed his third leg of his tour in Punta Gorda after having accomplished runs in Corozal and Orange Walk. Inspired by his tour, many Belizeans are meeting up with Gordon at the start of his runs and accompanying him through part of his run and even finishing with him. Gordon says that some runners even push him during the last miles of his run.
On Thursday, April 29, he’s going Dangriga running from the Hopkins junction to the Drums of Our Fathers monument. On Friday, Gordon is off to Cayo where he will do his half marathon in San Ignacio and Santa Elena and then in Belmopan on Saturday.
Sunday, May 2 will bring him to Belize City before heading home to San Pedro for the final leg on Monday, May 3 to coincide with the fifth anniversary of his becoming a marathoner. Gordon said anyone is welcome to join him on his Run Around The Country.
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