Go Turtle Go!!!

“There have been a lot of turtles these days drifting by the shore line, and today will make it turtle number 3, two yesterday and one today,” commented Eric Henkis on his Facebook profile page. He posted this picture of him releasing a third sea turtle that he has found adrift on the shore. Lucky for the turtle, islanders know if the importance of protecting them and keeping them alive. It was released safely by the REEF….Go turtle, Go!!!

Look! Baby Sea Turtle Hatching (Click Here)

Go Turtle Go!!! Sea Turtle Rescue

It’s turtle nesting season on Ambergris Caye (June to October) and it is not uncommon to find baby sea turtles stranded along the beach. Most turtle nests are located on the far north of the island but as the turles hatch and head out to sea, strong currents can prove difficult for them. If you find one, help it by releasing it out at sea or call for assistance. The staff at Hol Chan Marine Reserve are ALWAYS glad to assist. Call 226-2247.

Go Turtle Go!!! Sea Turtle Rescue

Another sea turtle rescue by Findley Halliday

Click Here for More Pictures of the Week on Ambergris Today Online



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