Discover The Wisdom Within

By Christopher Emmanuel

Free your mind and the world will follow

There is an uncharted part of you waiting to be discovered. Most often we think of discoveries as an outer occurrence. Man on the moon, Christopher Columbus discovered America, Science develops a new cure. But, did you know that inner treasures reside inside of you. There is gold and diamonds inside you. A pure rich wisdom that belongs to you, and everyone you can share it with. You and only you have the map to these treasures. The key to unlock these doors exists in your mind.

Your growth never stops. Outside as a child you became a youth, then an adult. And you may say at times, “I am all grown up.” But real growth is an ongoing process and when we start growing into ourselves we find the real beauty of who & what we are. This inner garden of treasures can bring you long lasting peace when the outside world seems to have lost its sparkle and appear dull.

We can look inside ourselves to learn what life is about. Buried within the subconscious mind, in the farthest corner of our memory, lies the knowledge of everything we need to know: The purpose of life, how to love, how to reach our potential. Our task is to bring that knowledge to the conscious mind. We are on earth to make the effort to remember!

If you can imagine yourself as a book, and you are reading your own pages everyday in your life. You turn the pages when incidents happen in your life. Each situation exposes you to a new and deeper understanding of your true nature.

Nobody can ever teach you anything new. They can only help you get in touch with what you already intuitively know to be true. “Education” means drawing out what is already inside the student. We all have an inborn conscience, a natural wisdom that God programmed into us. That’s why a person’s first thought — “the gut reaction” — is often the true response.

When you need to make tough decisions. Look inside yourself. Pause for a moment and introspect. Actually ask yourself aloud: What’s the right thing to do? Then shut your mouth, close your eyes and listen deep within yourself. Take a deep breath and allow your inner guide to give you the answer.

If you find you are still full of confusion, this is the time you need to stop and pull a few weeds out of your internal garden. Clarify your mind by spending time igniting your inner knowledge through activities like exercise, meditation, reading, or spending time doing whatever gives you joy.  Staying in touch with your personal wisdom, means taking time to reflect on what has true values.

If you want to discover and keep growing that personal garden of wisdom you need to plant the right seeds inside your mind that develops into knowledge and wisdom.

Books by Christopher Emmanuel can be purchased at his Art Gallery in The Sunbreeze Hotel , Art of Touch, Pages Book Store, Black orchid Spa and  Sol Spa.

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