Freedom Fly

Real freedom starts with knowing your ability to change continually -Emmanuel
I am watching a dragon fly. He’s trapped in my studio because he can’t see the way out. He continuously slams into by big window facing the street, and then he attempts to pass through the cover of my florescent lights on the ceiling.

This dragon fly reminds me of myself and people I know. Trapped in an idea of what we think freedom is. Freedom can be an elusive dream. The door hangs open, yet this delicate creature cannot see the exit from this new found cage. He keeps trying but there is something he can’t see blocking him.

Just the other day I found a dead dragon fly, it went undetected in my studio. Sometimes if I don’t see them out they settle in the space too tired of heading into the glass window. Not finding their way out, no hand to guide them they accept they fate and die.

Many people live their lives in a self-imposed mental cage they climb into it every day they awake. In a sense they are asleep to the power and abilities that resides within themselves. It took a few attempts but I gently let the dragonfly sit on my index finger and carried him toward the door. Eventually he allowed me to guide him to his freedom.

Today, review your life. Ask yourself if there is something you would like to change for the better. Then take time to imagine the possibilities. Write down your vision. We are all given the power to shape our lives. If you need more courage, ask the higher power for help. What are you afraid of, go for it!!
Books by Christopher Emmanuel can be purchased online at: or at his Art Gallery at the Sunbreeze Hotel in San Pedro Town and at Sol Spa.

Click Here for More Secrets to Life by Chris Emmanuel

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