For the first time ever, the Mayor of San Pedro, Daniel Guerrero, and his town councilors took time off their busy schedules to sit down with all the media personnel on the island to discuss issues and ways to better communications between the media and the Town Council public relations. But most importantly, Mayor Guerrero organized the luncheon to give thanks to the San Pedro media for working hand in hand with him and his team.
Invited to Elvi’s Kitchen for lunch today, Friday, June 1, 2012, were the staff of Ambergris Today Online Newspaper, Reef Radio & Reef TV, The San Pedro Sun and Love FM News. Mayor Guerrero opened converstation by accepting suggestions and recommendations from all the media teams and thanked each entity for their cooperation, time and dedication for spreading the news.
Ambergris Today is very grateful for the Mayor’s kind gesture and is very happy that, for once, the Town Council has an open line of communication with the media. Almost all the councilors and even the Mayor has all our personal contacts on hand, call us to cover events and news and have extended on open line of communication with Ambergris Today and the rest of the media on the island. Thank you Mayor Danny! Your kind gesture makes us feel very appreciated and we hope to keep up this great working relationship with the San Pedro Town Council.
Mayor Daniel Guerrero extends gifts to Eiden Salazar of Reef Radio/Reef TV
Mayor Daniel Guerrero extends gifts to Ambergris Today Editor Dorian Nunez
Ready for lunch, Perlita and Dorian of Ambergris Today
Our meal of choice, Elvi’s Kitchen’s Ambergris Today Cheese and Chaya Burger, of course
Councilors Wally Nuñez and Gabriel Nuñez join Ambergris Today staff in trying out the Ambergris Today Burger. They gave it two thumbs up!