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San Pedro High Holds Fun Halloween Competition

Hallooween is celebrated grand on La Isla Bonita. The San Pedro High School student body got very creative in stading out with their best costume at their yearly Halloween Competition. There were many themed groups, creative, scary, original and funny costumes that amazed the crowd and wowed the judges. Below are the winners of the Halloween Competition 2012. Enjoy!

Best Organized Theme Group & Judges Favorite – SPHS Girls

SPHS Halloween Contest

Most Creative – Epic Movie Girl

SPHS Halloween Contest

Scariest – Pin Head

SPHS Halloween Contest

Most Original – Warewolf

SPHS Halloween Contest

Funniest – Cinderella

SPHS Halloween Contest

SPHS Halloween ContestSPHS Halloween ContestSPHS Halloween ContestSPHS Halloween ContestSPHS Halloween ContestSPHS Halloween ContestSPHS Halloween Contest

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