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NICH Comparsas Fashion Show Kicks Off Carnaval 2019

The San Pedro House of Culture officially kicked off the Carnaval 2019 celebrations on Friday, March 1, 2019 with a Carnaval Comparsa Fashion Show.

Those in attendance enjoyed brief history of carnaval comparasas as models showed off their costumes and danced for the crowd. Here are some pictures of the event. The San Pedro House of Culture is currently hosting a photographic exhibit of carnaval, feel free to drop by and enjoy some pictures by photographer Karen Brodie.

NICH Comparsa Show Kicks Off Carnaval 2019

NICH Comparsa Show Kicks Off Carnaval 2019

NICH Comparsa Show Kicks Off Carnaval 2019

NICH Comparsa Show Kicks Off Carnaval 2019

NICH Comparsa Show Kicks Off Carnaval 2019

NICH Comparsa Show Kicks Off Carnaval 2019

NICH Comparsa Show Kicks Off Carnaval 2019

NICH Comparsa Show Kicks Off Carnaval 2019

NICH Comparsa Show Kicks Off Carnaval 2019

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