Emilie Gomez Joins Teen Talk

Ambergris Today is happy to announce the addition of Emilie Gomez as part of the Teen Talk team. She will be contributing articles and assisting Solani Graniel with the Teen Talk Column. We welcome Emelie and we invite you to read these great articles submitted by contributing writers who are both seniors at San Pedro High School.

Emilie Gomez, Teen Talk ReporterEmilie Writes: “To the dedicated readers of Teen Talk, I am 17 year old Emilie Gomez, currently attending the San Pedro High School on my senior Academic year. On my spare time I love to enjoy myself dancing at the San Pedro Dance Company, doing extracurricular activities such as taking part in the Math Olympiad or the School’s Drama Club, or simply just hanging out with family and close friends. I aspire to graduate and further my studies in the career of Environmental Engineering. This would hint out that one of my pet peeves would be pollution, so Go Green! I am looking forward to writing to you weekly so as to bring awareness as well as insight to different teen issues occurring around our community.”


Happy New Year!

Christmas along with an entire year is now in the past. We begin the big 2012! Happy New Year to one and all! Every New Year we reflect on our past lives, thinking of better ways to make this new beginning special and just right. Yes, I am talking about our personal New Year Resolutions. If you are unaware of this tradition and you find yourself asking, “What is a New Year Resolution?”  

Well, it is a commitment, a promise you make to yourself in order to try to achieve a personal goal or simply lose a bad habit that you think could make you a better person thus making this New Year a great one. The purpose of a New Year Resolution is to have some sort of focus that will allow you to reach your success with ease. My New Year Resolutions is to do better in school, graduate with honours and stop being a procrastinator. So I asked my fellow teens “What is your New Year Resolution?” Wishing everyone the best in successfully completing them; these were the varied replies:

Rachelle: My New Year Resolution is to start this New Year by appreciating my family, showing them how grateful I am; also to take a book for once and be serious on studying so that on the day of tomorrow I make them proud.

Victor: This coming year I would like to learn new stuff, whether it be a sport or a new activity. I want to be more responsible, spend quality time with my family and learn from all my mistakes and solve the problems.

Anonymous: This coming year I would like to stop falling into peer pressure, thus stop the usual drinking and avoiding smoking.

Jay: My New Year Resolution is to help my parents more and work out harder in football.

Lula: I will try to put more time and focus in my studies. I will not let others including material objects distract me.

Ms. I want to travel the world: For 2012, my goal is to get a job, accumulate a good amount of money which will be saved so that I can travel this summer outside of Belize.

Geli: My New Year resolution is to eat healthier and do exercise.

Mon: For 2012 I would love to be more prepared on any event I carry out, I would like to make plans and complete them to the best of my capability.

Irvin: I don’t really have a New Year’s Resolution but I do want to stay true to myself and treat others the way they treat me.

Carlitos: Mine would be to do better in school, become a better person in general (kinder), and to stop worrying more about others than about myself. I would also like to save some money to buy something special.

Shad: My Resolution is to finish school, chase my goal and becomes someone important in life.


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