Teen Talk – Easter Break in Belize

The Easter weekend is a “real” Belizean holiday for any number of reasons, not the least of which is the spectacular weather, tips to interesting places for the holidays, and the myriad colors of pink, red, orange, lilac and yellow as the countryside blooms. With over 75% of the Belizean population being Christians, the origin of the four-day holiday weekend has its roots in Christianity. Each day is referred to separately by its own title – Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday, and Easter Monday – each with its own traditions and events. Teen Talk - Easter Break in Belize 1

The Easter weekend is a favorite for visiting Belizean families from abroad as local families are off from work or out of school and can spend time together. This week I decided to ask my fellow teens “What do you plan to do for this Easter vacation?”

Teen Talk – This Easter I plan to do a great job on my internship to get a really good grade, I also plan to have as much fun as I can with my friends and family. I most definitely will attend mass in honor of our God and because he died for us! Then I will definitely hit the beach to enjoy! I wish a Happy Easter to all.

Ray – Unfortunately because I am a senior I am obliged to work for this Easter in order to achieve a grade. But I find my internship quite interesting so it is not a big deal for me. On Easter day I plan to spend it with the people I care about because that’s what we should all do.

Eterio – This Easter vacation I plan to party in San Pedro and have tons of fun.

Shannel – This Easter I’m going to enjoy it with my friends and family in San Pedro. There is nothing nicer than a barbecue  by the beach with the people you love.

Luis- Well, I plan to spend it with a lot of people that I haven’t seen for the longest or that ask me too hang with them and I’m going to have a blast with you Sol (Teen Talk).

Alexis – I plan to have fun have a great time with the family and friends, enjoy it and make the best of it.

Kirian – I don’t make any plans anymore I just go with the flow of whatever happens because every time I plan, something ends up going bad.

Gina – For this Easter vacation I’ll spend most of my time on job internship but I plan to enjoy the little time I’ll have this holy week with my family and especially with my friends.

Kevin – After the stressful semester of school, doing the hard work and studying, Easter is the opportune time for us the students. This Easter I am taking advantage that I have met friends from another country and have been invited to go visit their homeland. Hence I will be heading to Veracruz, Mexico in the next week to get to know more about their culture and customs and meet their family. This Easter will be different because I won’t be with my family, but it will be and unforgettable one since I will be free and doing something I enjoy a lot which is exploring new land and cultures along the side of my cousin. We are planning to visit the “El Pico de Orisaba” Veracruz biggest Aquarium, a manantial and so many other places. I can’t wait to go hiking on the tallest mountain on Mexico, play on the snow and freeze like hell.  This Easter will be like no other for me.

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