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Letters to the Editor

Letter submitted to the editor by our readers on a wide range of relevant community-based topics.

San Pedro Lobster Festival Thank You

The San Pedro Lobster Festival and San Pedro Business Association would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every sponsor, business, individual and participant that made this event successful this year. To everyone who pitched in

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Puerto Azul: Belizean Paradise Or Theme Park?

The conservation community of Belize hereby calls upon the Government of Belize to make an official statement on the exact status of proposed resort development project “Puerto Azul” on Northern Two Caye and Sandbore

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Again Wally Nunez Sets The Good Example

Editor Sir, I will appreciate it very much if you could publish with proof the fact that I have made my  required submission of my Declaration Form to the Integrity Commission of Belize. I

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Forgiveness, Justice and Peace

The first day I arrived in San Pedro was the “Justice for Jeffrey – Peace Walk” ironically I counseled both Raphael and Jeffrey about anger and ego issues. No one is perfect and we

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UNIBAM Denounces Hate Crime in Belize

UNIBAM joins other concerned and disheartened members of our community in decrying the vicious, senseless and inhumane killing of young Joseph Sanchez which took place on Sunday, January 12, 2014, in the early morning.

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Belize Better Find a Way of More Peaceful Coexistence

   If crime against foreign retirees and foreigners engaged in tourism continues at this rate, they will pick up and take tourism back home with them. =================================================================== I was sitting on the San Pedro

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Where is the Equal Employment Opportunity?

Dear Editor, Currently, I am a part time student at the University of Belize pursuing my degree on Business Administration. As I embark on my last semester I feel very excited to soon accomplish

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All Young People Deserves an EQUAL Opportunity

Dear Editor,Please allow me space in your reputable newspaper to discuss the concept of equal opportunity for all young people in Belize, as Executive Director of Teens Belize Organization. Young people, as we all

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